Pajama Day at school! WOO HOO! Holy cow, was there one excited kid this morning! He got to take in a blankie, a pillow and one stuffed animal. They're having pancakes, bacon, yogurt and applesauce for lunch (which means I didn't have to pack one, double WOO HOO!) I didn't even have to ask him a gazillion times to get dressed, he got dressed before I even asked. Long live PJ DAY! I think the world would be a much better place with more PJ Days for everyone.
So check out the Spider Man get-up. Yesterday morning I asked him which jammies he wanted to wear. Now, here is the fundamental difference between five year olds and their moms. I'm thinking the newer, nicer looking (and may I say very cool) dino or race car jammas. Uh-uh. He wants his Frozone jammas (from The Incredibles) - do I need to tell you they are the oldest, most worn, really getting too short jammas he owns? So I resort to the no-fail Target trip. I think the world is a much better place with Target in it. Off to Target under the pretense of just getting slippers. Total score! Slippers: 70% off (One pair left in his size); Matching Spidey Jammas: 70% off (only two left in his size); Kid who doesn't look like a bum? So priceless! The jammas even have a pocket on the leg, complete with spider on it, which is big enough to hold his stuffed dog, Puddles! And just so there's no thoughts that I was crazy to get my kid new jammas for PJ Day - at least two other moms have already confessed to doing the same thing. I know, I know...If they jumped off a bridge, would I do it too? I don't care, lunacy loves company!
So it's Friday AND it's Jamma Day (which I may have to implement one day this weekend). Life is good. Have a good weekend everybody!