Friday, January 19, 2007

Fingers crossed!

Got an offer on the house today! Yikes, this home selling stuff is a crazy business! The market is so crazy here so we are thrilled we got an offer. Now begins the negotiating. There's also a chance we could be getting another offer tonight or tomorrow which is just insane. The market here is so lousy right now that it would be an absolute miracle to actually get two. So we'll see! I'll keep you posted!

The picture is from last October when the sign went up. Hopefully I'll be posting one soon with the "SOLD" sign on it. So, keep those fingers crossed, say a quick prayer, do a little dance...whatever works!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Holy crap...

Heidi Swapp is pregnant again! Not sure if it's on her blog yet but she just announced it in her audio message today! Wow!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A Year to Remember

I am so stoked about this class. It's already been totally worth it and we're only entering the third week. Two weeks ago Heidi gave us a challenge to pick a goal for the year, write down five reasons why we want to achieve it, one word that we will say daily to keep us motivated and we have to have a completion date. So my goal is huge - "Fit by 40" - not just physically but mentally, financially, emotionally, etc. I realized at the end of last year that I have let so much go, especially since having Spence which, uh, was FIVE years ago. Hello! Time to get back in the game and what better time to do it than the year before I turn 40!

So this past week we were given an art challenge. The second week of every month is an art challenge and these layouts will go on the calendar that we should be receiving in the mail any day now. Can't wait to see what other goodies she sends! So this week we have to create a 12 x 12 layout using patterned paper that is outside of our comfort zone, a light colored background paper, a target, something sparkly and we must incorporate our goal, the five reasons we chose it, our one word motivator and the completion date. I'm so excited about this layout. Not because it's the greatest layout but because it so entirely NOT a layout I would do - ever. My head is just swimming with ideas. It was much fun to do something totally different. Really, I didn't know what I was missing with the bling! And I was inspired to do things I've never tried before - printing my pictures onto cardstock (how cool on Bazzill! Looks just like canvas!) and I pulled out the colored pencils which I haven't used in years. I even used a few of those EK Success Tiles that I've had in my stash for about 3 years!

It's really interesting to not only write down your goals but to do a layout about it also. It makes it very concrete. It's not just an idea, not just a passing thought, it's down in black and white and seems more permanent. My motivational word is Balance, but I think I'm going to use Mojo too! Definitely feeling some mojo I haven't felt in awhile! Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

What was I thinking?

I know. I'm the worst blogger in the world. I am really going to try. I've been spending so much time on the computer that by the time I get through e-mails, yahoo groups, blogs, etc. I have no time left to contemplate the blogging. And then there would be my new infatuation with BPS classes. I'm digging the Big Picture Scrapbooking classes. I took "Year in Pictures" (I think Beth Proudfoot rocks) and "Ornamental Memories" - both great classes - and then I lost my head. What do you think I did? Yup. Heidi Swapp's "A Year to Remember" AND "Library of Memories." What was I thinking? They both started on the same day and I'm scrambling! I have to say that I'm very excited as I'm actually getting organized and am feeling a return to a scrapping zone I have'nt been in for awhile. Holy cow.

So I'm really going to try to be better. If Cathy Z can come back to blogging so can I. Hope you all had a great Christmas and Happy New Year!