Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I'm Susan?!?!

Just reading Shannon's blog and had to check out the Desperate Housewives quiz. I came up as Susan which I just can't believe except that the description is right on. It says something like - you try to do the right thing, but it never goes the right way, blah, blah, blah, and you have to remind yourself you are the grown-up. Or something like that. Fairly accurate. Constantly have to remind myself I'm the grown-up. Constantly frightens me that I AM a grown-up! When housewives came out someone asked me which one I thought I was like and, being the existential/philosophical gal that I am, said that they (the main characters) each represented parts of every woman. I guess now that I'm thinking about it, I am most like Susan but have dashes of the others thrown in (come on, doesn't every woman want a little Gabrielle in them?) I am still cracking up that Shannon is Edie - I need to hang out with her a little more! It really could be worse. I could be Brie. Oh, I have no doubt she's in here - she definitely rears her ugly head daily, but there's a certain amount of relief that she isn't the one running the show. OK - starting to overthink this WAY too much!

And if you don't watch Desperate Housewives this blog entry is completely boring to you - but really you should be watching! For shame! And with the Grey's Anatomy chaser...come on, that's a seriously great night of TV! And you can still catch Soprano's on Monday night at 10pm. OK, so I have a TV problem, sue me. If you need a brain dump it may as well be on good TV.

That's all folks...boring, but true. And I got to put off thinking about dinner for a few more minutes! Later! (And if someone could tell me how to do links I'll put one up for the quiz.)


I ROCK! Woo Hoo - did it! There it is. Check it out! I know I'm road kill on the info highway, let me just have my moment of victory. (:


itsjustshannon said...

You do rock!! Can't see you quite as a Susan either but didn't think I was an Edie either. Must be that party girl side of me that was coming out when I took that quiz....lock your husbands away ladies...I might come a knockin. :)

Cicada said...

Now, see, if you were in school, you could use that post as a thesis for your "Desperate Housewives" paper :) I'd give you an A!!

Yay for your first link! I love posts full of linkage :) I'm addicted to the internet though.

I'm Susan too. Now that wo many of us were Susan, though, I wish I were more unique like Shannon!!

Chris said...

Yes, I'm one of the few who does not watch Desperate Housewives. However, my Sundays have West Wing. Well, for one more week they do.

Nicole said...

Alright I did it and I am....

a Lynette. Ok I really do think that fits me. I will have to post more of these amazing findings on my blog.

ChristyR said...

Ok whose Lynette?

I need to start watching the show. I'm so out of the loop. I do have a renewed respect for Terri Hatcher. Would I like her character?

Vanessa..you have me rolling with your post-love it!

Katie said...

Me too! And Julie too..we're soul sisters girls!