This is outstanding! First, I'd like to thank a few people - Christy, Chris B. and, of course, the incomparable Mel. I was completely inspired by your blogs to
not do my usual 3 months of procrastination - so here I am. SWEET! I am already discovering things about myself thanks to the wonderful world of blogging. First and foremost is that I have a neurological disorder where totally stupid and inconsequential things take over my brain and I think about them way more than they should be thought about. Case in point: the word "mundanity or mundanities." This is not a word. I just looked it up - not there. However, I think it's an excellent word and should be a word but since it's not an official word it is now
my word. See? I will now use this word as often as possible and delight in the puzzled looks of people who are trying to figure out whether or not it's a real word. It will take aproximately 14 hours for my husband to ask why I'm saying this word and, this is probably a big reason I married him, he will ask me if that's even a word. He will totally humor me knowing that I'm having some mild neurological infarction. I love that! See, now you guys are thinking, "Crap, she's crazy, why'd we tell her to get a blog."
It's freezing here today. I think our high is supposed to be the same as Boston's so we're feeling your pain down here in VA. So I'd like to introduce you all to the Spence-man. That's him up there. All 4 1/2 years of him (in the picture), he just turned 5 in November. So, I know it's freezing here and it's Christmas time but I put this pic up 'cause it's my favorite of 2005. It was Spence's first baseball game. I'm crazy about baseball, thanks to my folks, and I used to dream about taking this kiddo to a ball game since before he was born. We went to see a single A game. (For non-baseball folks this is way below majors. It goes AAA, AA then A ball.) It was a blast. It was just baseball, not all the hoopla you get at the major parks, a gorgeous summer night and I got to teach my kiddo about baseball and he loved it. It is seriously ALL GOOD for me when I look at this pic and think about that one night. I love the little things. It's amazing how much more rewarding they are than the big ones. I think it's because they sneak up on you. You don't know it's going to happen and there it is. What a gift.
Speaking of gifts, thanks you guys. You all are a gift. I was just thinking about Christine's e-mail. Christine and I crossed paths for just a brief time and look at where we are! Like I said, you all are a gift and the best kind because you don't know it's going to happen and there it is. Have a great day everybody! And thanks for the swift kick in the butt! (Also - please send positive thoughts for CKU registration tonight. You really don't want to listen to endless blogs bitching and moaning if I don't get Cathy Z's album track!)