Monday, December 19, 2005

If I wasn't before, I am now...

Scrappalicious, that is! Thanks again, Christine! After putting on the shirt I realized that I don't have enough clothes with attitude. This shirt definitely has attitude and I love it!

Today I must actually get something done while Spence is at school so I'll keep it short. Here's something weird I forgot to share the other day. Last Tuesday, the day that started the whole blog thing, my horoscope was as follows:
"Sagittarius: You might think that your life lacks exoticism, but you're mistaken. What is ordinary to you is intriguing and grand to someone else. Share your story about a mundane experience, and you'll be surprised at the response." Cue the Twilight Zone music. I don't know about "intriguing and grand" but I thought it was pretty cool. I'm not a huge believer in "the stars" but when a horoscope comes along that pertains...well, it's pretty cool. Have a great day everybody!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Holy Ice Rink, Batman!

It's ok now, but this morning the roads were brutal! Mark went into work late because: a) the roads were brutal and b) they were so brutal a fed ex truck was dangling off of an overpass with all of its contents on the road below, so the roads were closed and those just happen to be the roads he needs to get to work! YIKES! School also opened two hours late today so this is the second day the Universal Conspiracy has essentially screwed me out of Christmas shopping while the young man is at school!

So Spence and I are having a nice, leisurely morning, enjoying a nice breakfast in the kitchen. I am sipping a lovely hot cup of coffee (otherwise known as "nectar of the gods") when I look over at the Spence-man and see the human anteater at work. How much do I long for the day when the ONLY thought running through my head was, "Oooohhhh....I love syrup....oh, yeah....syrup....mmmm" and "you know what would make it taste better? If I only used my tongue!" I had to take a picture as this whole scene leads to my next thought...

See this paragraph right here? Yeah, the one you're reading. This is the section of my blog that was formerly known as the bracket section but, check it, no brackets. One day! I'm over it! Believe me, I can hold a grudge long after it should be held so I figured I had at least a few weeks of serious pity-partying going on, but I'm done. I am so psyched about Ali E.'s track I can't stand it. I wanted to cry at the beginning (a whole day ago): A Life in MY week? I don't do anything! Well check out that kid. That's my week and that rocks! Tongues in syrup, Power Rangers underwear in my washer, the streets I drive by, the places I go...I have already totally changed my mind-set on how I look at the everyday and I'm psyched to record it. There are a lot of cool things that make up a "mundane" day. I had forgotten. I'm not sure I'd switch tracks now that I'm really focusing on this. Wouldn't it be cool to have an album that does "A Week in My Life" for the same week every year, or weeks from each season to see how your routines change? How cool is that!?

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The weather outside is frightful!

It is just yucky out there today. It is snowing right now and that is supposed to be followed by the dreaded "wintry mix." I have to tell you, I am morally opposed to the wintry mix. Either rain or snow, one or the other, not something in between. I respect Mother Nature but sister-friend, you need to make up your mind. Make a management decision. Snow, rain, freezing rain? That's just not right.The pic was taken this morning. You can't see the snow falling because it was mixed with rain at that momen,t but look at the loveliness on the ground. Nice. But how about that handsome haircut? OK, so no hat, there goes my "Mother of the Year" award. But really, look at the new do!

[This is a special section of my blog. I'm putting it in brackets so when you get tired of reading the same thing every day you can just skip the bracket part. I thought I could rise above it but I can't, so the bracket part is now the bitching and moaning, and let's not leave out pouting, part of my blog where I bemoan the fact that I did NOT get into Cathy Z's album track. For you non-scrapbookers Creating Keepsakes University-Albums registration was last night. I think there are about 600 spots and it sold out in 18 minutes. The Album track I wanted sold out in under 4 minutes. I'm looking on the bright side, however, since I got all the classes I wanted and I still get an awesome long weekend in Chicago with two awesome crazy ladies! It just is not in my reality that I didn't get this damn track. Here's the thing, on Cathy Z's blog she asked for input on her album track when she was trying to decide what to do and her album track is totally along the lines of what I sent in. So that means it was written in the scrapbooking stars, right? Wrong. Damn Universal Conspiracy. More on that in future blogs. So this will pretty much be it between the brackets. Poor me. Woe is me. How could this happen to me. me, me, me. I'm disgusting myself now. Like, I said, just skip the brackets.]

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I am SO bloggin'!

This is outstanding! First, I'd like to thank a few people - Christy, Chris B. and, of course, the incomparable Mel. I was completely inspired by your blogs to not do my usual 3 months of procrastination - so here I am. SWEET! I am already discovering things about myself thanks to the wonderful world of blogging. First and foremost is that I have a neurological disorder where totally stupid and inconsequential things take over my brain and I think about them way more than they should be thought about. Case in point: the word "mundanity or mundanities." This is not a word. I just looked it up - not there. However, I think it's an excellent word and should be a word but since it's not an official word it is now my word. See? I will now use this word as often as possible and delight in the puzzled looks of people who are trying to figure out whether or not it's a real word. It will take aproximately 14 hours for my husband to ask why I'm saying this word and, this is probably a big reason I married him, he will ask me if that's even a word. He will totally humor me knowing that I'm having some mild neurological infarction. I love that! See, now you guys are thinking, "Crap, she's crazy, why'd we tell her to get a blog."

It's freezing here today. I think our high is supposed to be the same as Boston's so we're feeling your pain down here in VA. So I'd like to introduce you all to the Spence-man. That's him up there. All 4 1/2 years of him (in the picture), he just turned 5 in November. So, I know it's freezing here and it's Christmas time but I put this pic up 'cause it's my favorite of 2005. It was Spence's first baseball game. I'm crazy about baseball, thanks to my folks, and I used to dream about taking this kiddo to a ball game since before he was born. We went to see a single A game. (For non-baseball folks this is way below majors. It goes AAA, AA then A ball.) It was a blast. It was just baseball, not all the hoopla you get at the major parks, a gorgeous summer night and I got to teach my kiddo about baseball and he loved it. It is seriously ALL GOOD for me when I look at this pic and think about that one night. I love the little things. It's amazing how much more rewarding they are than the big ones. I think it's because they sneak up on you. You don't know it's going to happen and there it is. What a gift.

Speaking of gifts, thanks you guys. You all are a gift. I was just thinking about Christine's e-mail. Christine and I crossed paths for just a brief time and look at where we are! Like I said, you all are a gift and the best kind because you don't know it's going to happen and there it is. Have a great day everybody! And thanks for the swift kick in the butt! (Also - please send positive thoughts for CKU registration tonight. You really don't want to listen to endless blogs bitching and moaning if I don't get Cathy Z's album track!)