It is just yucky out there today. It is snowing right now and that is supposed to be followed by the dreaded "wintry mix." I have to tell you, I am morally opposed to the wintry mix. Either rain or snow, one or the other, not something in between. I respect Mother Nature but sister-friend, you need to make up your mind. Make a management decision. Snow, rain, freezing rain? That's just not right.The pic was taken this morning. You can't see the snow falling because it was mixed with rain at that momen,t but look at the loveliness on the ground. Nice. But how about that handsome haircut? OK, so no hat, there goes my "Mother of the Year" award. But really, look at the new do!
[This is a special section of my blog. I'm putting it in brackets so when you get tired of reading the same thing every day you can just skip the bracket part. I thought I could rise above it but I can't, so the bracket part is now the bitching and moaning, and let's not leave out pouting, part of my blog where I bemoan the fact that I did NOT get into Cathy Z's album track. For you non-scrapbookers Creating Keepsakes University-Albums registration was last night. I think there are about 600 spots and it sold out in 18 minutes. The Album track I wanted sold out in under 4 minutes. I'm looking on the bright side, however, since I got all the classes I wanted and I still get an awesome long weekend in Chicago with two awesome crazy ladies! It just is not in my reality that I didn't get this damn track. Here's the thing, on Cathy Z's blog she asked for input on her album track when she was trying to decide what to do and her album track is totally along the lines of what I sent in. So that means it was written in the scrapbooking stars, right? Wrong. Damn Universal Conspiracy. More on that in future blogs. So this will pretty much be it between the brackets. Poor me. Woe is me. How could this happen to me. me, me, me. I'm disgusting myself now. Like, I said, just skip the brackets.]
Too funny! It does seem like life can be cruel at times but hey I know you will get the best class out of Boston! Think of it like this the first class an instructor does is never the best one! There will be all kinds of errors like not enough supplies, confusion, didn't get the right color...we are working the kinks out for your later date! The little man is adorable! So show me your latest scrapbook page!
Latest scrapbook page? Hmm...that would be from July??? I'll really have to think about that! Well, thanks for the kind words. I'm actually getting really excited that we all have different trax. You know, it really is all good just to be going!
I agree with you, Mother Nature should make up her mind. However, I'd rather she just stick with summery 75* days all year 'round!
The lil Man looks so cute in his winter getup. I think any Mom deserves Mom of the Year award unless you're an annoying MIL that likes to push my buttons. Sorry, that's my mini venting session.
The three of you will have to share all of the tricks & tips you learn from CKU!
Using the blog as a place to vent is ok. We understand. Feel free to keep venting. Are you on the Yahoo group? If not, I really think you shoudl post there to see if anyone wants to switch tracks. It does happen. And if not now, maybe closer to March. Byt then maybe someoen would have bought someone else's registration and thus getting whatever classes thaqt person had, but would really prefer to have Ali. Good luck!
July!!! I can't say it's been that long for me but not far off from it. Too bad huh..I am making a paper bag album this weekend. Let's all post a project!
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