Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I'm a Blacker

I hang my head in shame. "My name is Vanessa and I am a blacker. I have been a blacker for over a month (I think). You lose your sense of time after awhile when you become a blacker. That's why I'm here today. To come out and finally confront the fact that I am a blacker. And I need help." For those of you who read Karen Burniston's blog you may know what a blacker is. It's a "Blog Slacker." Yup. No denying it. I won't bore you with the excuses. It's one of the 12 steps - "Stop making excuses." So I won't bore you. I won't seek pity over the fact my son is home sick with a fever yet here I am blogging so certain people can have their "update" - yes, yes, that's for you, Christine! LOLOLOL So you want an update? You'll just have to wait! Because there is only major thing happening right now and that is...


I know that it is wrong to worship material things but this baby ROCKS! I'm building a shrine. I'm sitting at my kitchen table. It doesn't take four minutes to wait for the next e-mail to pop up. And I can blog....ahhhhhh....without sitting in the cold dungeon which is our computer room. Deep, lovely, soothing breathe. This is so awesome. So I'm off to surf the internet some more as the lovely winter sun cascades through my kitchen window and my sick boy zones out in a fever induced-cartoon inspired coma. Pictures to follow. I know you've seen pictures of a laptop before but it has to be done! Hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day!


ChristyR said...

Finally! Sorry it took me so long to comment I've been gone most the day! What a relief it was to see a title other than pajamas! Having a nice computer is so much easier. I keep telling Tricia this but she insists on sticking with her dinosaur that sometimes works sometimes doesn't. She lurks on all of our blogs while at work so you should let her know you know. I'm getting excited for CKU. Not much longer and I think we have yet another good group of gals going. I will miss Mel, Chris, and Ruth. Now that we've been bloggin' I need to know-how's Ruth? Well I will check back and check out the pics of your new laptop. Hope Spence feels better too! It is definitely going around.

Chris said...

I will forgive you for being a blacker. I, too, was a blacker for a while. Although not nearly as long as you. Congrats on the new computer. Enjoy your new toy!

~Mel said...

Yah - she's back baby!

Hopefully we can get you out of blacker-dum so that you won't visit that place for long periods of time.

However the PJ picture was quite cute when I checked on your blog at least twice a day to see if you updated. Seriously I kept checking...

Congrats on the laptop!