I am still getting over CKU-Chicago. What a whirlwind! I have to say that after a little doubt (ok, a lot) I totally dig albums and want to do it again. I came home with a huge 12 x 12 "A Week in the Life" album, a 6 x 6 album that's essentially an "All About Me" album that we completed at the make-n-takes, and 5 mini albums from my classes. How stinkin' cool is that?! The doubt came from the fact that the "energy" at albums is a little different than at regular CKU. The Campus Crop was nowhere near as awesome as Minneapolis. Christine, Tricia and I were looking at each other like, what is this all about? I asked Ali about it in my album track and she said there is definitely a difference. CKU-A is really all about the albums and getting them done and the regular CKU is more about the "Woo Hoo CKU" (Ali's words). So anyway, the picture above is me in my album track with my loot.

And here is an up close look at the loot. Let me tell ya, it was a little hairy getting packed up to go home! I think Ali Edwards is one of the coolest, most grounded, most real people I have ever met. She talked about being a "life artist" since she doesn't think the term "scrapbooker" really does it. She has some "Life Artist" merchandise on Cafe Press. Very cool. She has a manifesto she lives by (that may be a whole other blog entry) but the very first thing on it is "It is OK." Tear your paper? It is OK. Stick something in the wrong place? It is OK. Doesn't that just apply to life? It's amazing how you sometimes need the simplest thing affirmed for you. It's nice to have someone say to you "It's OK." Whether it's scrapbooking or life in general. Burnt dinner? It is OK. Not as far ahead getting the house decluttered? It is OK. Didn't get everything done on my list today? It is OK.

Love that.
I am nowhere near done with my album. As soon as I have a few pages completely done I will post some pics 'cause it really is awesome. Part of it was very labor intensive and her style is so different than mine that it took me awhile. It really blows my mind to see what she does. That she just sits down and designs pages and albums like this is astounding. Never in a million years would I come up with the designs she does. Really inspiring.

Also tried a few new things this time: like the Rolodex swap, for example. Twenty members of my album track made rolodex cards to swap. Very cool! I used up my Making Memories paper from last year's CKU (very appropriate!) I really needed something to get me out of my scrappin' funk. Between the rolodex cards, the classes, Ali and the make-n-takes - plus just being around some seriously talented women - I think I'll be coming out of that funk!

I'd love to add some more cards to my rolodex. (Hint, hint)
Of course, the best thing about CKU is doing it with some awesome women! How cool that Christine, Tricia and Mandy let me crash with them. I was hoping to get a little spooning action from Christine but she wouldn't touch me. (: I really had a great time with them and they were really kind to put up with the sick girl. I'm seriously considering going to CKU at a different time of year because it would be so much more enjoyable without antibiotics! And check out how awesome Tricia looks. She's got the glow going on. She really looks fantastic.
We also met some awesome women in our Croppin' Commandos dorm.

Christine has the best pics, I somehow managed not to get a single pic of the whole group but here are Julie and Katie. We lucked out, again, on coming together with a cool, diverse, talented and all around awesome group of chicks.
Now, I have to say that as awesome as it was, there was something missing. Hmmm.....what could it be? Lisa Bearnson? Yeah, she was missing, but no, that's not it. Hmmm....Stacy Julian? Nope that's not it either. Hmmmm.....what could it be? OK, you get one guess. Yeah, YOU! We really missed you guys - Mel, Chris and Ruth! We gotta work on getting together at another CKU - and, of course, Wilbur too!
Miss u...miss it already....miss all of us getting together.....when can we do this again-2007? I am totally open to doing it later in they year and that will help from having to purchase registration before Christmas. I had such a great time. I am a lucky girl to know you and next time I don't mind spooning!
V... it looked like you had a great time. I'm glad you felt rejuvenated in Ali's track, I know you were really looking forward to CZ.
Awww, it's nice to be missed. I have to tell you I thought about you three ALL WEEKEND. And I kept cursing myself for not taking the plunge and going for it.
By your comments, does that mean Boston is out this year? (I'll cry if that's true)
Great Post Vanessa! Makes me sad that its all over though. It was a totally awesome time!
I love that picture of you & Katie & I! I loved hanging out with you. I will be keeping up on your blog... and I'll comment so that I won't feel like a stalker :) Wish we could go to CKU once a month!
Yay! You returned to blog-land. I know that Wilbur and I will be at CKU-M in Boston. I was thinking about how you must be cursed always getting sick at CKU. Hope that trend doesn't continue for too long.
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