Saturday, May 13, 2006

Scrapped...the movie

Don't know if you all saw this on Two Peas but I am rolling:

How about we all get together to see it when it comes out? And if we're going to do that we may as well make a whole scrapbooking weekend out of it! I had a passing thought of how cool it would be to do a documentary on scrapbooking but had no idea how, or the resources, to do it. I think this guy is hilarious and it will be worth seeing! Yes, I am now a linking fool. Have a great weekend!


itsjustshannon said...

That is freakin hilarious!!! Did you check out his blog???? He is really making a movie!! Too funny! He is out of Minneapolis and I wonder if he knows Cathy Z lives there and she is one of the gods of scrapbooking.

Loved it....bookmarked it!

Chris said...

Oh my! Well, the website says an Aug 5th premiere, so we could all go see it at CKU- Boston! (Hint, Hint)

~Mel said...

I like Chris' hint - ALOT!!!

I bookmarked the site because I haven't watched it yet... I'm just checking in from my cleaning spree...I'll watch it later.

ChristyR said...

Love it...and yes, why didnt' we think of something like that? We could have made a documentary of being at CKUs and what the craziness is like...good craziness of course!

Cicada said...

Wow, we'll have to keep an eye on his development of that! Too funny! I'm sure it won't open around here. I might have to make a trip to Madison to see it!

ChristyR said...'s been over a month...throw a dog a bone!