Spence has done an amazing job transitioning to a new school. He actually started last Friday while we were still in the hotel and he just hit the ground running. I, of course, was practically nauseous with anxiety over him switching schools. We just loved his old school and teacher. But his new teacher is terrific and Spence just went for it. Couldn't be prouder of him. We live on a cul-de-sac now and one of the boys in his class lives right across the court. Talk about luck!
Stacy Julian had a post on her blog about "universal smiling." For years I've talked about the "universal conspiracy" where just everything goes bad and it feels like the world is against you. Holy crap, I've been so negative for so many years and I read Stacy's blog and ever since I read her "universal smiling" blog that's the way I've been living. In case you think I just went off topic - nope. These past 3 weeks have gone so eerily well. Everything that I've been anxious about has worked out seemlessly. How nice to see universal smiling because you will find it everywhere if you are looking for it and more importantly, believe in it! I may be slightly delirious from the move.
So we're here in Smithfield, VA. home of Smithfield ham. I keep hoping when the wind shifts it will smell like bacon but so far no luck. Maybe in the summer. :) Wouldn't that be nice to wake up to the smell of bacon? I'll e-mail out my new info. Off to unpack more boxes!
Wow, that definitely was a very quick move! Congrats on getting into the new place so smoothly. I think kids handle transitions very well. It's the parents who worry too much!
Okay in all my years of moving, and yours, has it ever gone so good! I think the Universal Smiling thing must've worked and well, your in Virginia...it was bound to! Congrats on the move, new house, and selling yours and welcome back! Kids are so freakin' resilient..we can all learn from them =)
Hmmm, gonna have to check out Stacy's blog...I think I could use some of that good mojo. :)
So glad it all went well! Kids are remarkably adaptable, so cool about the friend across the street. Enjoy nesting in the new home!
CONGRATULATIONS! Glad to hear everything went swimmingly for the buying/selling/moving!
I'm happy to hear that Spence loves school and that it was hardly a bump in the road for him!
You done good, Mom!
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