Saturday, January 07, 2006

I want a do over

Yes, I'm alive. Barely. I want a "do over" on 2006. I woke up at 5:30am on January 1st with my period. Should have seen the signs. Went in for a same-day surgery procedure on the 3rd and had a serious reaction to the anesthesia. Ended up in the ER that night and got home at 4:30am on the 4th. I've felt like hell since then. It's now Saturday, the 7th and I am up and dressed and attempting to converse with the civilized world and seriously feel like I need to lie down. I'm so frustrated I can't see straight. So, sorry to be so negative. I just would like to feel normal again. Some positive things: 1) I'm married to the most awesome man. I'm not sure how he puts up with me but he's taken such great care of me. I don't even know what to say. 2) I have the most awesome kid. He has just rolled with the punches this week and tries to take care of me (which just ends up breaking my heart - it's suppose to be the other way around!) 3) You know how you have "friends" and then when something happens you find out that you have "FRIENDS"? It's good to know, especially when you don't usually have any family around. 4) We were so lucky to have Mark's Mom here. She was supposed to leave on the 2nd, ended up staying til the 4th and then changed her flight to stay til the 6th. Lucky, lucky, lucky. She was a lifesaver. So that's about it. I'm trying to get myself together and back in the game. Off to rest a bit.


ChristyR said...

I wish I could have been there to help you out! Here's to a better week. Glad your back in the bloggin' world and here's good thoughts coming your way.

~Mel said...

I'm sorry you've felt so crappy and that the first week of 2006 hasn't been full of roses for you. I know we're a few states away, but you let me know if there's anything I can do to make things a bit better

Chris said...

Sorry things were going not so well for you. Maybe a crappy start to the year means that the rest of the time will be better?