Thursday, January 18, 2007

Holy crap...

Heidi Swapp is pregnant again! Not sure if it's on her blog yet but she just announced it in her audio message today! Wow!


Chris said...

Oh wow. Now there's some gossip! How old is Capri?

ChristyR said...

Holy Shit!!!
Is she super happy?

Tami said...

am i the only one to think that she is crazy?

Vanessa B. said...

She said that she and her husband had discussed having one more but she also made it sound like it was a complete surprise. She talked about feeling weird and that "jeez, I wonder if I could be pregnant" moment. I have to listen to the audio again but I think they are only going to be 11 months apart! I think Capri is 4 or 5 months old now - she was born right before CE last year. Yikes! If you read her blog the last two entries are all about how tired she wonder! She sounds totally into it so I guess it's all good. And, yeah, I think she's completely crazy!

Chris said...

Will this be her forth or fifth? I can't remember if there are one or two boys, then Quincy and Capri.

cicadagirl said...

Wow! CRAZY for sure!! But I'm happy for them, I'm sure it will be a great blessing and all, like all surprises end up being, heh! But, yikes, shoot me :)

~Mel said...

OH MY GOD! Doesn't she already have 5 kids?!??!

God bless her....that's all I have to say about that.