Pajama Day at school! WOO HOO! Holy cow, was there one excited kid this morning! He got to take in a blankie, a pillow and one stuffed animal. They're having pancakes, bacon, yogurt and applesauce for lunch (which means I didn't have to pack one, double WOO HOO!) I didn't even have to ask him a gazillion times to get dressed, he got dressed before I even asked. Long live PJ DAY! I think the world would be a much better place with more PJ Days for everyone.
So check out the Spider Man get-up. Yesterday morning I asked him which jammies he wanted to wear. Now, here is the fundamental difference between five year olds and their moms. I'm thinking the newer, nicer looking (and may I say very cool) dino or race car jammas. Uh-uh. He wants his Frozone jammas (from The Incredibles) - do I need to tell you they are the oldest, most worn, really getting too short jammas he owns? So I resort to the no-fail Target trip. I think the world is a much better place with Target in it. Off to Target under the pretense of just getting slippers. Total score! Slippers: 70% off (One pair left in his size); Matching Spidey Jammas: 70% off (only two left in his size); Kid who doesn't look like a bum? So priceless! The jammas even have a pocket on the leg, complete with spider on it, which is big enough to hold his stuffed dog, Puddles! And just so there's no thoughts that I was crazy to get my kid new jammas for PJ Day - at least two other moms have already confessed to doing the same thing. I know, I know...If they jumped off a bridge, would I do it too? I don't care, lunacy loves company!
So it's Friday AND it's Jamma Day (which I may have to implement one day this weekend). Life is good. Have a good weekend everybody!
He is so cute in his jammies! And no I don't think you're a crazy mom for running out to Target (love that place) for new jammies. I would have done the same thing.
I agree with you the world is better with Target and PJ days. Wouldn't it be nice if adults could have those too (not on weekends)??
I'm glad to see you're posting again - have a great weekend!
He's so cute. I wish I could have a pajama day. INstead, shortly I'm leaving for my work's holiday ice skating party.
How cute!! I too worry about the clothing my children step out into the world in!! Even if it's just pajamas. I try and stay in my PJ's for a full day once a month. Sometimes it happens more often than that. Getting excited for CKU yet? I'm ready to go! See you in two months!
Ok ok..we're all kinda busy right now but dang! Soon it will have been a month since you touched your blog-can a girl get an update?
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